Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday's Stitch and Birds

A bit of progress on the Bullfinch.
I hope to finish him up before the end of the week.

We've had a mix of blue sky and rainy days.

More Starlings than I'd like to see against a blue sky. 

One of my many Steller's Jays.

He's giving us a sideways look.

A Spotted Towhee.  I see several most days.

I still have 8-12 Lesser Goldfinches at the feeders. 

While it never came to the feeders, I did get a glimpse of a Red-breasted Nuthatch.


  1. You are making good progress on the Bullfinch, Beth.

  2. Great progress on the Bullfinch! I know what you mean about starlings.

  3. The Bullfinch is so pretty. And the colors of those birds is amazing RJ

  4. Interesting and definitely a useful post,Thanks for this sharing this wonderful post .


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