Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Week Moves On

As I'm still trying to figure out what do do next...here's a look back in time.

Designer - Fanci That
Chart - Pumpkin (#101)
Fabric - 10" x 10" 36 count Edinborough Sand
Began -1 October 2002
Completed - Halloween 2002

We are having a truly lovely October.

Some mornings start off with a bit of fog...

...which burns off pretty quickly.
Hello Raven!

Most days though dawn blue sky clear.
A  small Sharp-shinned Hawk. 

Monday morning I was able to watch a mixed flock of Chestnut-backed Chickadees and a Red-breasted Nuthatch voraciously consuming Douglas fir cone seeds.  See the chickadee hanging from the cone on the upper right?

There's another one on the branch to the right.

And a close-up breakfast shot.


  1. Oh Beth, I really like your flashback pumpkin piece. Super! We have had a strange October here so far with hot/humid or foggy/rainy conditions.

  2. What a cute pumpkin piece! Such beautiful blue skies!!

  3. Thanks for the link to the Lizzie Kate freebie in your last blog post. What a cute pattern! I am getting caught up with my prepared projects as well, and I need to kit some things in my stash to work on next. I think I may take a clue from Priscilla and Chelsea and kit a bunch of projects so I have lots of things to choose from at any given time.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.