Thursday, October 25, 2018

It's Pumpkin Time

"Jack-O-Lantern Sampler"
Designer - Curtis Boehringer
Chart - Jack-O-Lantern Sampler
Fabric - 32 count Raw Belfast linen
Started - 19 August 1997
Completed - 1 September 1997

Speaking of pumpkins - here's a teaser!  The two pumpkins we set out for the bears have beenmoved and torn open.  We should have some interesting trail camera photos to share when the month ends.

Even has October comes to an end, there is still movement in the bird world.

I happened on some Canada Geese in flight.

Off they go.

I wish this Cooper's Hawk would fly south.
He got a bird today - I think it was either a quail or mourning dove based on the feathers scattered about. 

"Groak" goes my Raven.

Blue sky, blue California Scrub Jay.


  1. What a fun pumpkin piece you shared, Beth! I have never seen that one stitched before. I look forward to seeing your trail cameras pictures for October.

  2. Love the geese in flight! Your pumpkin is just too sweet!

  3. Lovely set of photos. I am almost back up and running after a total hard drive crash.......... :-(((( Take care and have a good weekend Diane

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your bear photos!! I was in Hot Florida for 3 weeks and was so glad to get home this week so I could walk. Saw a small bear on one hike and when I was mowing the lawn yesterday and bald Eagle flew overhead. So glad to be home!!


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