Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday's Walk

We've not taken a nature walk for several weeks.
What's out there?

Linaria vulgaris is commonly called Butter & Eggs.

Berries on the Hawthorn

Love the bright red berries - come on Cedar Waxwings!

We've had such a dry summer that most of the blackberries are small and hard. this bush however produced large moist berries.

Honeysuckle berries

A cascade of Big Leaf Maple seeds

Douglas Aster in bloom

Sambucus racemosa - the Red Elderberry.
My Black-headed Grosbeaks ate all the berries before they ripened.

Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea - the Blue Elderberry - I had a huge clump of berries.  I wonder who ate most of them.


  1. A lovely walk. It is really beginning to look just a bit like Fall up here.

  2. I love that name, butter and eggs. They are all over here too. Hope the Cedar Waxwings discover the berries soon.


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