Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

You probably thought that this post would just be of Anna's Hummingbirds. 

That's what I thought too.

And there is certainly nothing wrong with that.

The female...

...and male Anna's are wonderful.


But on the 18th I was surprised to see this bird.

It's a Rufous! 

And I've seen it every day since Tuesday. 

I'm not sure how much longer it will hang around.

But it is a treat to have it.

The Anna's are fighting with it.

'Cause that's what they do!

Though they hang out together without battles.

Hummers - the Chichuahuas of the bird world! 


  1. How nice to have a Rufous this late in the season! Love all hummers.

  2. I am thrilled that you had a Rufous visitor! Beth, thank you for the chuckle! Your comment about the Hummers being the Chichuahuas in the bird world is spot on. Enjoy your day!

  3. I am sure you are happy to have a Rufous around I am just happy to see any of your hummingbirds. Happy week Diane

  4. you are just "humming" along with all those Hummer's aren't you???
    just love all your posts and photos--thanks--
    enjoy, di

  5. That little Rufous better get going!

  6. Aah sweet little hummers...and you caught them perfectly in your photos Beth. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever


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