Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Plans for 2019

You know how it is with me and bird, right? I've stitched a calendar series by Cottage Garden Samplings, and now she's begun to release a new series - The Songbird's Garden Series.  So far it includes a cardinal, black-capped chickadee, golden-crowned kinglet, and American robin.  The birds are beautiful and the colors are amazing.  I've decided that next year my plan will be to stitch one of the designs each month.  You can take a look at the releases here.  

In the meantime, I'll be watching my birds.

One foggy morning I had an extremely chatty California Scrub Jay.

He spent some time surveying his domain. 

And broadcasting his opinions. 

I enjoyed watching him.

And listening to his vocalizations.

Unlike the Steller's Jays, this bird is not molting and his feathers are clean and true.  

Many people think that jays are noisy bullies, but I like them.


  1. Your Jay pictures looks great, Beth! I look forward to seeing that bird series come to life with your needle and thread in 2019.

  2. Lovely set of photos, your Jays look so different to ours. Have a good week Diane

  3. Love your pictures. We have Blue jays here in the mid atlantic and most people here fuss about them but I enjoy their antics and put out whole peanuts in the shell just for them it is amazing how they eat them. So enjoy your blog Beth.

  4. It's going to be fun seeing your new bird collection come together.

  5. OH, I should not buy another pattern but you are certainly tempting me with the Songbird Series, maybe one a year?? Our Jays are much more colorful and I enjoy watching them too....but they certainly chase the other birds away from the feeders.

  6. Oh I'm really loving this new series of birds. I can't wait to see each one as you complete them. RJ

  7. I've been admiring this new series, too--her use of color is spectacular! I think this is just the perfect series for you to stitch and frame :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.