Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

This bat-face cuphea (cuphea llavea) is the big hit this year.

The hummers are working this plant morning, noon, and evening.

Here's a male Anna's.

The light flashed off his head feathers.

Then he turned and they were dull...

...and then they flashed again.

The young Rufous hummers pretty much ignore me.

I open the house doors in the morning to cool off the house and circulate some fresh air. 

On Wednesday morning, I found a Rufous trapped in the mudroom trying to escape through a window.  I put my hands around him and opened them when I was outside.  He sat for a second and then flew off.

I've got at least five of these birds - maybe more.

I need someone to take a census at the front of the house...

...while I simultaneously count the backyard hummers.

This photo is exciting because there are two - yes two male Anna's at the feeders.


A rare occurrence - two birds sharing a feeder.


  1. Your hummers are so pretty or maybe I should say handsome. We have noticed more sharing of the feeders over the last 5-6 days. Enjoy your day, Beth!

  2. The coloring of the hummers is just magnificent!! I'm glad you rescued your trapped hummer. How exciting that you were able to put your hands around your trapped hummer.

  3. So glad you were able to rescue the little one! Trapped in the house due to very unhealthy air again!!

  4. I bet it tastes sweet. The hummers are delightful and the colors are wonderful. RJ

  5. I do love these little birds, so wish we had them here !
    Have a good week, Diane


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