Saturday, August 4, 2018

July's Trail Camera Photos - Camera #1

Here's a selection of the animals who came by Camera #1 located near Dorothy's Creek.

An opossum 

Bobcat with a take out meal.


Fawn coming for water.

Having a drink.

July was very hot - most of the creeks have dried up, so our 5 gallons had lots of takers.

Another bobcat.

And the winner is...the photo with a bobcat kit!

Here's a close-up.

The camera got a second photo.

Close-up of that.

Communal drink.

Another take-out meal.


I posted photos of the sow and two bear cubs here.
We also had a large single bear come by - Papa Bear perhaps?

So we put out a ball for the bear cubs, but so far this fawn has been the only critter to show interest. 

Flying Steller's Jay.

Young buck.

Whoops!  This young doe is also giving the ball a once over.
What will August bring?  Stay tuned!


  1. Your trail camera pictures are always amazing, Beth. You get quite a good variety of critters.

  2. love this!! Thanks for sharing the wonderful trail cam pictures. July really was a hot one!!

  3. I have wondered about the poor animals in this heat and no rain. We finally had just a few drops the other night.

  4. Great fun to see what is around, and animals that you probably never normally see. I would love to put a camera up here, but as we are fully fenced I think rabbits, or maybe the odd hedgehog is about all we would normally see. Cheers Diane

  5. How exciting you had a kit come by and nice size bear. It must be so exciting to see who has visited. I wish I could send some of the rain we have been getting. So good of you to lug the water for the animals.

  6. Loved seeing the baby Bob. The take out - not so much but they have to eat too. Thanks to you we have a trail cam now. Haven't seen anything exciting besides the deer and the birds and the bunnies, but interesting how often our outside cats come and go.

  7. Wow Beth that was a pretty big bear. How exciting! Did you see that Yellowstone has a four part special that started tonight? We taped it and I can't wait to see it. RJ


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