Monday, August 27, 2018

Finally, the Flag!

Finally, I am able to stitch on the long wavy flag that makes the bottom border of this design.  The end is in sight!

When the heat and wildfire smoke left, the temperatures have moderated and the days are shorter. 

I think we are going to have an early autumn this year, and even if we do not have rain, September will be cooler with diffused light and lengthening nights.

There's still time for the late fledglings like this young Junco on the right to grow and thrive.

Here's another Junco youngster.

I can no longer tell the young Black-capped Chickadees from the mature adults.

Everyone looks and behaves in the same fashion.

I was pleased to have my first Chestnut-back Chickadee sighting in several months.  I am hoping that once again they become winter regulars.

I've had as many as fifty American Goldfinches. 

Most have molted and are wearing quieter colors. 

The Lesser Goldfinches are now far more colorful than their larger cousins.

The young Black-capped Grosbeaks have a very smart feather outfit.

I am still seeing anywhere between 8-12 birds.

The adult males have left to scout out their territories in their southern homes in Mexico.  I said good-bye to these guys around mid-month.


  1. Your LK piece is coming along, Beth. It is interesting to see the changes in coloring of the birds.

  2. Loving the birds and your Lizzie*Kate is adorable.

  3. Your LK piece is coming along nicely, Beth--there is a lot more stitching in that little thing than you would first think! And I'm happy to be home from Panama (where we were sadly disappointed in the birds) to see your little feathered friends again :)

  4. I wonder if the birds are as anxious for Fall as I am. We have actually had 2 nice days!


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