Tuesday, August 7, 2018

All About August

Design - Pearls - "Sand Pail"
Designer - SamSarah
Fabric - Aida
Floss - Crescent Colors
Started - 5 July 2010
Completed - 10 August 2010

This is a stitch my Mom completed. As many folks go to the beach in August, it's a perfect design to feature today.

The American Goldfinches and Lesser Goldfinches are some of the last birds to fledge. Though small, the babies make a racket! 

Here's a short series of photos of an adult Lesser Goldfinch with two youngsters. 

The youngster are all flapping wings and incessant begging.

Kids above, dad below!

The poor guy is surrounded!

Oh, and Black-headed Grosbeaks - they fledge late too.
Here's a youngster.

And here's an adult male.

I had a male at my suet feeder...

He was eating his fill...

...and showing a fledgling how it is done.


  1. Cute little August finish! I love seeing and reading about the 'younger' set of birds. Thank you for sharing, Beth!

  2. Sweet little design you've stitched! As someone who grew up on an Island, I am always drawn to beach-type designs.
    And I do love the birds -- they are fascinating. I am partial to whipporwills and mockingbirds are they are the birds of my childhood.

  3. I just received in the mail the PS Prairie Birds pattern so it was fun to see your picture collage above. Great birds pics as usual!

  4. Your mom's finish is sweet. I like the goldfinch pictures very much.

  5. Such a sweet pattern your Mom stitched! Love all that yellow!

  6. We just returned from the beach (hence my lack of commenting lately!!) so your mom's finish is certainly perfect for August. Lovely bird photos, too, Beth. Love your August Prairie Schooler header, too!

  7. Beth that is the exact stitch that will be part of our next post. I made it with five other little stitches mostly Sam Sarah patterns. Great bird photos that are always enjoyed. RJ


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