Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thursday's Finish

Design - "Bunny"
Chart - "Spring Smalls"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count Light Mocha Cashel linen
Started - 28 June 2018
Completed - 30 June 2018

This is a sweet stitch...

And the brown bunny looks just like the ones I see out and about.

Are you tired of the Orange-crowned Warbler yet?

I thought these two photos were worth sharing.

Here's a young Steller's Jay.

He was pretty goofy looking and acting.

Quizzical look.

All that gray on the chest will turn blue.

Two youngsters with an adult.

I don't often see fledglings with adults.

The Evening Grosbeaks are great entertainment.

There's something about a Begging Baby!


Here the poor, over-worked Dad is feeding one fledgling while the second one awaits its turn.

Still waiting...

"Dad, someday will I see as handsome as you?"


  1. Cute bunny stitch, Beth! I am enjoying the pictures of the young birds. Enjoy your day!

  2. What a cute little bunny stitch. So perfect for you and this blog Beth. :)

  3. What a sweet bunny stitch! I love your pictures of the adult birds feeding the babies.

  4. What a sweet finish, Beth. I love the small projects in between larger ones. The bunny! Oh, what a cute fella. Love the colorful birds. You always seem to capture their personalities in your photos.

  5. Beautiful stitching and great photos.

  6. Aw... cute bunny stitch! And wonderful photos of your feathered friends as always :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.