Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Now "Liberty 1776" actually looks like I'm stitching and I have to say I'm enjoying this very much. I'm waiting to get a couple skeins of GAST "Endive" so that I can stitch the leaves below Liberty.

Here's what's up on the bird front.

This was the finaly Violet-green Swallow house to fledge.
Can you see the two baby birds peeking out? 

One day the babies were 3/4 out of the hole, the next morning they left. 

All the Evening Grosbeaks have fledged.

This is the final photo of the last bird to stop by before they all headed up into the mountains for the rest of the summer.

So now I have White-crowned Sparrows to enjoy.

And there are multiple California Quail families.

This widower is caring for a flock of 18-19 youngsters all on his own.

Here are some of his charges.

Black-capped Chickadees continue to make me smile. 

While they do eat sunflowers, they truly enjoy peanuts.



  1. Your Liberty piece looks super. What a wonderful assortment of birds you shared, Beth!

  2. Love the patriotic stitch. I stitch red, white and blue stuff year 'round. You've done beautiful work. I'm trying to record the birds here at my dad's. Not as big a variety as at my home in Ohio, but some familiar faces.

  3. Beth, Liberty looks fantastic. I started a patriotic stitch the other night that I can't put down. They are addictive. Your bird photos are always amazing. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  4. So much fun to see! Love the babies!

  5. Liberty looks great! I really like the colour palette. Such sweet birds, your sparrows are lovely. Your quail must be dad of the year raising so many on his own!

  6. That Liber5ty piece is coming along nicely!


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