Tuesday, April 17, 2018

They Returned!

I'm hard at work on the second Little Stitcher bird - this one is going to be a Chaffinch.

Well, I did buy a Bluebird nesting box on Sunday.  On Monday my Dad (post knee-replacement surgery) felt up to helping to install it. So with my Mom and me acting as gophers, we got the box up. We put it on one of the deer fence posts - on the inside of the fence facing east.

While we did so...

...we had company!

The male... 

...and the female both watched us with some interest.

He even quietly sang a couple of times.

Here you can see that he was hanging out fairly close to the house.

The female watched...

...and she got closer still...

...but then a darned Scrub Jay perched on the post above the nesting box, just daring the little Bluebirds to come closer.

They wisely declined to do so.

I can't wait to see what today  (Tuesday) brings.  I'm hoping they come back and explore the nesting box.  I've enjoyed reading the recent comments about your bluebird experiences.  Some of you have never seen a Bluebird, others like Joyce have active bluebird boxes. 


  1. I hope they decide to use the nesting box you put up, Beth. Your photos are beautiful.

  2. Nice start on the new stitch will be beautiful! So lucky you had such “inspectors” hopefully they will find it to their liking♥️ And move right on in....

  3. I hope they use your box. Is it any wonder they call them "the bluebird of happiness". Such a cheery little song and their colors are magnificent. '

  4. I am glad that you got a bluebird box and truly hope they set up housekeeping in it--I am one who has never seen a bluebird--that would make me very happy if I did--but I can enjoy seeing them from your blog site and that is great--it is sooo much than seeing them in a book==so thanks--
    enjoy, di

  5. I love Stitching Birds - Birdhouses and so on....Your Progress on your Bird is really coming along and very pretty...Your Pictures of your Birds are so pretty....

    Happy Stitching XX

    Linda K, Buttercup

  6. How wonderful that they watched as the house was put up! I've never seen a bluebird ... but I stitched one once. ;)

  7. Fingers crossed the nest in the new nesting box. Wonderful series.

  8. I've only seen one too.... and, how cute they they watched while you set up a box just for them. Darn cheeky jays.... I finally got a photo of a jay the other day and was bemoaning my fate for not having brave or cheeky ones...
    I hope the sweet little pair take up residence ..imagine ...their very own box.

  9. I hope they decide to use the nesting box you put up, Beth. Your photos are beautiful.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.