Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

I never know what I will have to share week by week.
This week the male Rufous hummer was all about courtship displays and defending territory.

I think the male Anna's 'work' is done and he is mellow and comes to the feeders regularly.

The female Anna's are raising young (I think) and they are infrequent at the feeders.

I did manage a couple of captures of this female on 2 different occasions.

The stripping on her throat is pretty distinctive.

Two years ago I had a migrating Costa's Hummingbird for a couple of days, so I'm on the lookout!

And so is he!


  1. I love to see these little guys in your blog! Such gorgeous birds! Maybe I will actually get one or more at my feeder. I am putting a second one up today... as an added incentive! It could happen! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  2. Beth, I always enjoy seeing your hummer pictures. We have seen 3 here so far and I am hoping the rest are following. Enjoy your day!


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