Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Not Much Stitching, But a New For the Winter/Spring Bird

I'm not sure where the time has gone, but as you can see I've not done much in the way of stitching the past few days.  I only completed the border yesterday.   

Cindy's Stitching asked if I finish my stitched pieces as she never sees photos of finished items. Most years a get 3-4 pieces framed, but other than using 'tuck' pillows to insert smalls, I don't 'finish' my stitches as ornaments or such.  Why?  Well my skill set leaves much to be desired, and I figure that finishing is another rabbit hole and financial drain - must purchase fabric, and trims, and other do-dads, so I just stay clear.  

I have a pretty good flock of Pine Siskins once again and they all appear to be healthy.

I also have a few House Finches showing up.  This is a nice size comparison of a female House Finch and a Pine Siskin.  

And here's a male House Finch.

I took a walk around the house yesterday and was delighted to hear and then see a male Ruby-crowned Kinglet.  If you look closely you can see a small bit of red atop his head.  

I'd not seen a kinglet of any sort all winter long, and as these birds will soon migrate out of the area and up into northern Canada, my window of opportunity was closing fast.  The bird is an insectivore and was finding plenty to eat (small winged pollinators) in this early-blooming tree. I should remember that early blooming shrubs and trees are a magnet for small insectivores like kinglets and vireos. 

I'm really delighted to have seen the bird and I'm pretty taken with this photo too.


  1. Nice start to the stitching Beth as I always say we are not in a race😊 I do it for my own enjoyment ♥️...what a treat on the photos...so happy you were able to see these visitors..

  2. Gorgeous shot of the kinglet in the flowering tree! Always enjoy your birding shots, Beth!

  3. The Ruby Crowned Kinglet is a beautiful bird, such a nice treat and your last picture is so pretty with the blooms. Do you ever display your stitches on a stand with a clip? That would be nice no-sew way of displaying them. I agree with you though, my pleasure is in the stitching.

  4. Wow! Great shots of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. I shall remember to check the flowering trees when I get out next two days (the weather will finally be good enough, before it goes back to crummy)...Also great comparison picture of the Siskin vs House Finch. We have never had those here... tho nowadays, you never know! Hugs!

  5. Ahh--yes all the photos are great--but that last one needs to be printed off and framed and added to a wall somewheres!!! Do you have an area where you hang up photo's printed off??? I keep thinking I am going to do that--but so far--I do have a ring notebook with photos I have printed off though!!

  6. Oh, I just love the photos of the Kinglet in that flowering tree, Beth--absolutely beautiful!

  7. I am afraid sewing and art work are at the bottom of my list though I do enjoy both when I can find the time which is very rare these days. I love that male House finch and wow the Ruby-crowned Kinglet is lovely. All birds I am not familiar with. Have a good Easter Diane


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.