Saturday, February 24, 2018

Saturday's Critters

Douglas (or is it David) has greeted me most mornings during our cold weather.  He's been a very well-behaved squirrel...

Mr. Gray Squirrel on the other hand...

...discovered this suet feeder I sited above the gate on our deer fence.

"An All You Can Eat Suet Buffet!," he cried!

He studied the situation...

...and immediately gorged.


I had to laugh and admire his skill set.

So I let him have at it for a while...

...and then went outside to shoo him away.


  1. They are so very clever, aren't they? My parents had several feeders in the backyard and I remember my father constructing more and more elaborate squirrel guards to keep them out - never seemed to work for too long. :)

  2. Rascals indeed! Not and skinny either I notice. ;)

  3. He certainly was persistent. What a rascal!

  4. Oh we have had our troubles with squirrels. They are extremely clever indeed! Beth, I'm guessing you are at your game right now. I'm watching it on TV and rooting for you. You are only town by two. I don't know how long I can listen to Bill however. LOL!!! We won tonight against the best team in the SEC so it was a wonderful game for us. It was a nail biter but we came out on top. GO Gators! RJ

  5. Just saw the end Beth...great win!!! RJ

  6. Great photos and enjoy your commentary!!

  7. Such a Rascal! One day this week, I looked out my kitchen window and right outside, on my TABLE, was a squirrel, just nosing around!! Gee whiz! Nothing is sacred!


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