Tuesday, January 23, 2018

We Might Get a Flurry

Here's how "It is Snowing Somewhere" is coming along.  The photo does not  do the fabric color justice - it is a much richer blue.  We might even get a flurry on Thursday...

Now you'll have to indulge me with my Warbler Obsession. 

This series of photos is from Sunday afternoon.

He came by for a bit despite the pouring rain.

I feel like the yellow atop his head was especially noticeable.

He has become much more aggressive. When he first showed up the Juncos would drive him off, now he defends the bark butter on the post and makes the Juncos scatter. 

Guarding his food. 

I think you have to admit that he is a pretty little bird.


  1. Hard to believe that sweet little face has become aggressive! Watch out, Juncos!

  2. He is a pretty bird!
    I have noticed that some are definitely more aggressive than others, and some seem to ignore each other and just concentrate on themselves peacefully. They are so funny!
    I like your stitching. It is in the high 50s today. Was 70 on Sunday. Our weather is so weird!!! It's down in the 30s at night.....strange

  3. Ahh--yes he is a pretty little bird--with those bright yellow patches here and there--glad you enjoy him and can take photos for us to enjoy-thanks-
    enjoy, di

  4. What a cute little piece!! Love the colors. I am looking into a feeder that the heavier birds can't spend the day sitting on!

  5. Ooh that bird is so sweet. I was out watching my chickadees and juncos today and though of you


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