Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The First Blog Header of 2018 First Great Bird of 2018

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles January 2018 Blog Header

Horizontal Rows as noted below:

Row #1: Heart in Hand,, "Winter Alphabet"; Val's Little Stuff, "More Snow"; Heart in Hand, "Wee One - Snow"; Lizzie Kate, "January Flip-it".

Row #2: Bent Creek, "January Snows"; Val's Stitchin Stuff, "Snowman Trilogy" - ""Be Jolly".

Row #3: Lizzie Kate, "January Flip-it".

Row #4: Sam Sarah Designs, "Baubles - January";Twisted Threads, "January Snow"; Heart in Hand, "Winter Fling".

Many birders play a New Year's Day game.  The first bird that they see that day becomes their totem bird - the bird that defines their spirit, perspective and goals for the year. My first bird?

A Red-shafted Northern Flicker.  
A very good bird to start my birding year. 

But it was the last bird I saw New Year's Day that sent my heart fluttering.

A Yellow-rumped Warbler!

My last yard sightings of this bird were in April 2016 and February 2014.

The bird showed up about 4:00pm - low light and foggy conditions with photos taken through my kitchen window.

The bird grabbed a bit of suet then perch atop this shepherd's hook to eat, repeating the behavior several times.

It is a fairly common winter resident here, but as I noted, it's not common for me to see it!  

In this photo you can see why it is affectionately called "Butter Butt"!


  1. Such beautiful birds Beth. Glad to see your old visitor has returned!
    Love your blog header, so pretty and wintry.
    Happy New Year!

  2. I love your snow related blog header for this month. So, will you use "Butter Butt" for your totem bird or the red-shafted northern flicker?

  3. Oh love the header. Especially Baubles!!!!

  4. WOW! That is amazing!!!! Thanks for sharing your pictures, as always. :) Cathryn

  5. What a sweet little bird and cute nickname--
    am glad one is back--and that you are enjoying watching him eat--
    Happy Birding in 2018-di

  6. LOVE your new header Beth. You always do such a great job with them. Love all the sweet photos of the birds..one prettier than the next. RJ

  7. That is such a pretty little bird. How exciting to see it again. I think the Flicker is a wonderful bird to have for your totem!! Also, love that header!!!

  8. I love the cute snowmen in your header!
    You know I love those flickers! And that sweet little "round" bird is quite cute! That's one I've never heard of!

  9. What a pretty little bird!
    Great header too - my favourite is the centre top one with the little bird button

  10. Love your header and thanks for listing the info about them. I wish I knew that about the totem bird, I think that is neat and what a great bird the flicker was to be your "totem" bird. Hopefully a sign of a great variety of birds to be seen this year. Love the "butter butt" warbler nickname. Great way to be able to identify it.

  11. Love all of the Snowmen a nd the beautiful birds!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.