Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

I've had a couple of male Anna's this past week, but have not managed any photos of them.

Lots of rain this week, lots of sulking birds!

I try to take the feeders in each week, clean them, and put out fresh nectar. 

The birds have been using the feeders as cold rainy weather makes it much harder to find insects to eat. 

I'd love to figure out where one of these beauties builds a nest this spring.


  1. I hope they appreciate your efforts with providing them fresh sugared water. We have looked for nests around now that the trees are bare, but haven't spotted any.

  2. You will have to put a 'chip' on them so you can track them!!!
    nice photos thanks-
    enjoy, di

  3. Beautiful! What a gift to have them so close.

  4. So beautiful! Can't believe they are there in the winter--you truly live in a mild climate!


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