Sunday, January 7, 2018

December's Photos - The Backyard - Trail Camera #2

The camera tipped over on December 2nd, and when I put it back up, I set it too far back so it got the edge of the platform. 

We did manage to capture a few quail.

And several deer.

That's no surprise.

I've had up to five at a time in the backyard.

An opossum was active in December.

He is a nocturnal creature.

And at dawn the bobcat slinked by.

We got several photos of this walk-about.

I've moved the camera slightly as it did to record his Christmas Day pass through.  We'll see how it goes in January.


  1. Always fascinating to see who passes by!

  2. I enjoy seeing all your visitors, Beth.

  3. These photos are always so interesting. I am really considering one as we do live ton the edge of woods.

  4. Nice. I'm off to Tasmania next week, so with luck I'll get some marsupials on my trail cams to share!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. Such great photos you got Beth. RJ


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