Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Walking in December

It's a nice day for a walk or bicycle ride.

With recent rains the seasonal creeks are running once again.

And the mosses have revived - green and lush. 

The Sword Ferns are looking good.

The Licorice Ferns are bright green now.

Walking along I noticed this trail camera in front of a culvert... 

...and two large traps in the Quarry Pond.

I asked a neighbor what was going on and was told that another neighbor had noticed a mud trail across the driveway and clearly see that branches — or logs — had been dragged there. 
I think the debris in this photo might be the work of beavers.  I'm a live and let live person, as long as their dam did not flood the driveway, I'd chose to leave the beavers alone. I'm hoping they elude trapping.

The leafless White Oaks have a lovely silhouette.

Here's a few leaves...

Our portion of the Big Creek - full and fast. 

A cascade of summer's blooms in December.

Look - there's a Song Sparrow!

Big Leaf Maple leaves.

An Anna's Hummingbird is keeping an eye on us.

Oh oh!  Looks like rain is on the way, time to go back inside.


  1. I'm confounded by people who want to live next to (or *within*) the wilderness but who don't accept the wildlife who live there.

  2. It was a beautiful day for a walk. We had a good one here too. Cold, but not so cold you couldn't enjoy a nice walk.

  3. It was a beautiful walk today and I love your photos especially the sparrow. RJ

  4. Your a better person than I am, I would have taken the traps... Everything is so green there, we are in full brown color season which is ok, too early for snow.
    The song sparrows are sweet little birds, they come to my feeders. Great photos. Mary

  5. I enjoyed the pictures from your walk, Beth - you really have an excellent eye for capturing beauty.

  6. I'm with Kirsten...why get a house in the fresh air with land and a stream, if you don't want to enjoy these things with the natural way of things happening all around? The animals only know one way of life... they don't know that these people want to be surrounded by nature but don't touch our stuff! grrrr! But, nice walk and nice to see some greenery at this time in the year. Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.