Friday, November 24, 2017

There's Still Stitch

Are you out shopping or home recovering from a plethora of good food and company?  I'm stitching...

If you have a moment let's take a look at a few woodpeckers.

Just my 'regulars' this past week...

...including this female Downy Woodpecker.

I've had a male Hairy at the feeders...

...and checking out the deer fence.

He seemed to feel in required close inspection...

Pretty much guarantees an insect-free fence. 

Good work!

Here's a female Acorn Woodpecker...

...and a male.

And we wrap up with a male Flicker...

and a female.
I'm on the look out for Sapsuckers and Pileated Woodpeckers too.


  1. Beautiful birds
    Recovering from food coma and hoping for cooler temps here in SoCal🙄 Staying far, far, far away from stores! No stitching plans, but will begin (again) to declutter some areas. The oppressive heat and holiday prep put a stop to that🙃
    Have a wonderful (black) Friday!

  2. Lovely bird pictures, Beth! We have seen an increase of pileated woodpeckers the past week or so. I will be stitching shortly; no shopping here unless it is done online. Enjoy your day!

  3. Beth, Love the woodpecker photos, I hope to be getting more visiting me. Went to Wild Birds Unlimited yesterday for the first time and bought a suet feeder specifically for the woodpeckers with the tail rest and another tube feeder that has hot pepper in it, I was hesitant to get it but they said the birds don't taste it and the squirrels don't like it. Are you familiar with that? Thanks for the info about the tail rest.
    The LK design is a cute one and perfect to stitch on Turkey day.

  4. Playing catch-up today...Great pictures as always! I hope you get the red-bellied woodpeckers soon. I finally have seen the yellow-bellied one here in the neighborhood...Hope to post today! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.