Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November's Final Walk

Dashing between rain showers with mild temperatures ground fog forms...

...and everything is wet and steamy.

Here's some of the last bits of color... 

Big Leaf Maple

Hazel brush

Don't know but it's lovely!

Boom!  All the leaves are gone!  That's November!


  1. Stunning pictures of the ground fog! Hard to believe November is almost at its end and we are speeding to the end of 2017.

  2. Gorgeous colors. It's weird around here. There are still leaves on our maples, but they are all withered and dried up. Just hanging there that way. So strange.

  3. Yeah, we have a real windy day today, and the freshly mowed front lawn is already covered in leaves again! That's just the way it goes, isn't it? I have enjoyed seeing all the fall colors... and will just have to refer back to blog pictures to cheer myself when it is cold and blah outside!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.