Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sunday's Hummers

With rainy weather for several days, I do not have many hummer photos.

And those I do have are of males.

This guy is an adult male...

I thought this might be a female...

...but look at the throat...

It is an immature male.


  1. But you HAVE Hummers... that is always a treat! Raining here for days too! Hugs!

  2. Such a joy to enjoy the hummers YOU have!! Thanks for sharing never get tired of seeing hummers❤️❤️ Have a fabulous week...

  3. Lovely pictures no matter if they are all males. It's interesting to see the immature versus mature.

  4. The hummers are special and definitely enjoyed. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  5. Just love the pictures! We had an article in today's paper about winter plants that give lots of nectar for the hummingbirds in the winter. I am going to look into a few of them.


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