Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Swainson's Thrush and Parvati Patel Hufflepuff

Parvati is 16 years old today.

While she sleeps more than she used to, she is still very active.

She spends 60-90 minutes each morning patrolling her outdoor world.
Midday is nap time, then in the evening she enjoys being outside and hunting for mice in the twilight.

Chart - "The Bird Collection - Part II"
Design - "Swainson's Thrush"
Designer - Heartstrings Samplery
Fabric - 32 count Picture This Plus Wren linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 September 2016
Completed - 30 October 2016

I thought I'd feature this stitch today because I finally saw one and was able to photograph it!

I walked down to our oak grove in the mid-afternoon to bird watch.
I saw a Junco...

and House Finches.

But this was the prize!  A Swainson's Thrush!

There were lots of Cedar Waxwings...

And a Robin with nesting material.

At the edge of the Big Creek, Black-Headed Grosbeaks flitted in and out of the greenery.


  1. Happy Birthday Parvati
    Hugs x

  2. Happy birthday wishes to you, Parvati! Beth, another fabulous batch of bird pictures you shared. Thank you!

  3. What a nice life he has with you, Beth. Happy birthday and many more to come to your Parvati:)

  4. Happy birthday, Parvati! Enjoy your morning naps and evening mouse hunts!

  5. Quite a talented Lady, I'm impressed, love the Thrush shots.
    Take care, Gor4don.

  6. Hello, love the sweet kitty and all the birds. The Grosbeak is my favorite, I would love to see one some day. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  7. What a pretty stitched bird and a beautiful real one!! Happy Birthday to Parvati!!

  8. Nice shots and happy birthday. Love your stitch work.

  9. Birthday greetings! I especially love your Robin shot!

  10. Beautiful kitty!! Love all your bird photos and how exciting to see the thrush and I love your bird stitch, another collection I'll have to look for. Are you doing the entire series? Mary@stitchingfriendsforever

  11. Beautiful cat - Happy Birthday Parvati!
    Love the bird photos - the Robin is my favorite from today's group.

  12. Happy birthday to Parvati! May she have many more. How cool about that Swainson's Thrush! Pretty bird and pretty stitching too.

  13. Beautiful thrush and other bird photos! Love your embroidery of the thrush. And your cat's name is wonderful!

  14. Hope there will be many more birthdays for Parvati. What a great bunch of birds! Of course, the Swainson's is THE find of the day! Heartstrings Samplery has a great hit with the bird series! They all look great!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.