Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Flocks and Singles

Design - "Bluebird Alphabet"
Designer - Just Nan
Fabric - 32 count White Linen
Fibers - DMC & GAST
Started - 29 May 2011
Completed - 26 June 2011 

This stitch has two birds - is that a flock?

A group of over eight Cedar Waxwings certainly constitutes a flock.

After seeing them in downtown Eugene, it's nice they hang out in the country too.

I generally hear their very high-pitching buzzing, then look around to attempt to locate the birds.

These two have rather messy looking crests atop their heads.

I'm not sure what they are eating at present. They like fruits and berries.

Sometimes just a single bird can provide a bit of excitement.
In this case it was my first sighting of a Flycatcher this year.

It was working in the leaves of a Hazelnut, its tail wagging up and down, then it flew a bit and popped out for a better look.

As it never spoke, it was a bit of a challenge to ID, but after asking another birder, we decided that it was a Hammond's Flycatcher.


  1. How I enjoy seeing your bird photos each morning!! That is a pretty flock of waxwings!Happy Birding and Stitching Mary@stitchingfriendsforever

  2. Love the Bluebird Alphabet piece, Beth! Your birding pictures are always so enjoyable.

  3. I really enjoying seeing your photos..
    Sending you love x

  4. I really love your Bluebird Alphabet piece. The colors are quite lovely. And your bird pictures can't help but make a person smile.

  5. Fantastic! And that Flycatcher - what a little beauty!

    San Pedro, CA

  6. Bluebird Alphabet is lovely. How wonderful to see all the Cedar Waxwings and exciting to see the Flycatcher.

  7. As soon as I am done commenting, I'm going to go get my Bluebird Alphabet cube I made last year and put it on display... it is such a pretty piece!! Hearing first, and then searching and hopefully spotting, the birds is my typical way to bird watch! So, gradually I learn their songs... tho more often than not, if it is one I don't hear/see often, next year it will be 'new' again!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.