Friday, April 28, 2017

Finally Friday

Chart - "Spring Things"
Design - "Peep"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Light Mocha Cashel
Fibers - WDW & GAST & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 May 2014
Completed - 7 May 2014

We've had a record-breaking number of rainy days.

I think even the birds are getting tired of it!
Look at this poor soaking wet Flicker.

Here's a California Scrub Jay.

And I am happy to see a female Black-head Grosbeak to go with the male I saw a couple of days ago.

They'll hang around and raise their family here.

I'm hoping an Evening Grosbeak couple or two will chose to do the same thing.

Can you be persuaded?

I counted a flock of 20 birds flying overhead yesterday.

Such a handsome bird.

You are forgiven for not having a pretty courting song.


  1. A very handsome bird indeed! We actually had a partly sunny day!

  2. Gorgeous birds happy that they are settling in....your having in northern MN after months of being snow free we woke to several inches on Wed & Thursday. Pour Woodducks didn't know what to think as they were waddling under the feeders. LOL Have a lovely weekend, blessings..

  3. Wonderful bird pics! They make my day!

  4. gorgeous birds aren't they .... I hope that you do get some babies :) love mouse xxxxx

  5. Beautiful photos of such pretty birds. And I love the little peep too. RJ

  6. What a great flicker photo! I saw one here last week--always a treat as they rarely stop by...


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