Tuesday, April 4, 2017

A Special Guest

Design - "Eagle on an Egg" (kit)
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 28 count Flax linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 12 July 2015
Completed - 18 July 2015

Why am I featuring a 4th of July stitch today?  Well, I am featuring an eagle stitch because Sunday morning I had a special guest.

Not this Turkey Vulture - it came by later.
(And I am showing it for size comparison as it lit on the same branch).

I had a juvenile Bald Eagle sitting in a large Douglas fir snag for about 30 minutes early Sunday morning. 

This tree is a favorite perch for Turkey Vultures, Ravens, and Hawk - all large birds.

But, boy howdy, none of them could begin to match the size of this bird!

Young Bald Eagles do not fully transition to adult plumage for five years. 

That made IDing the bird difficult, but I decided that the size of the bird was indicative of an eagle. 

And also that the feathers were two toned - transitioning in color.  Lastly, that beak!  That is a seriously large "I mean business" predator beak.  I emailed the photos to someone who is a much better birder than I, and they agreed - Bald Eagle! I guess you never know who may drop by!


  1. Oh, he IS a special guest, Beth! How exciting :)

    I've been so enjoying the OK owl cam--thanks again for sharing. They sure are getting big!

  2. Lucky you! I hope you get to see more of him!

  3. Oh, wow. Will he stay in or return to your area so you can watch him mature?

  4. That's GREAT! I seriously love to see your stitching AND all your birds and visitors!!! Thanks! Cathryn

  5. How exciting to see this eagle in your yard! Truly amazing!

  6. How exciting to have him right there for you to look at! That beak - wow. I've seen a couple on the wing in the past few years, but was driving the car both times so barely had time for a is that a...? Oh, it IS!


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