Thursday, April 20, 2017

A Cold April

Design - "Spring Celebration: Ostara" (freebie found here)
Designer - The Primitive Hare
Fabric - 32 count R & R American Chestnut linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 3 April 2014
Completed - 4 April 2014

Another gray day. We have yet to have a 70F spring day.

Mornings like this the Turkey Vultures roost until the temperature warms up a bit.

Still seeing a Chestnut-backed Chickadee - that's a treat.

Bunny and Mourning Dove.

Mourning Dove 

I am wondering if this White-throated Sparrow has decided to summer here.

He has been singing up a storm, "Oh, Canada, Canada, Canada!"
I hope he attracts a mate.

I am now seeing 8-10 Violet-green Swallows. 

They are back house hunting. I am waiting the return of my Tree Swallows. I think I've heard them a couple of times.  I've also heard Purple Martins. 

My Evening Grosbeak total is two males and one female. 

While House Sparrows are extremely common 'city birds' it is rare that I have one visit.

On Wednesday morning I saw this House Sparrow as well as a Chipping Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, and a White-throated Sparrow. 


  1. Turkey Vultures sit on the house across the street from the morning sun...they are kinda creepy.
    Have I told you about our Mourning Dove friend? Last year he was blown from his nest and couldn't really fly. I found him and thought...well a cat or a red fox is gonna get him. But I put a little shoe box with one end cut off out in my garden to shelter him. All summer he thrived and finally flew awesome. When we would come out he would fly down from our eaves and sit right next to us on our driveway in the evenings, come almost right up to our hands. . . I haven't seen him this year...of course he probably won't act like he did last year and he didn't have any distinguishing he may be out there and I don't know it :) Lovely photos! Love the Spring Celebration stitch seems like EVERYONE is/has stitched that this year!

  2. Beautiful pics Beth ! Thanks so much.


  3. We had tons of House Sparrows in Louisville so I really enjoy seeing all the other varieties. We are in the same weather boat. We have only had a few days that see 60 much less 70! I think that might have to wait till June at the rate we are going.

  4. What a cute stitch! And your bird photos are lovely. We are seeing a lot of cardinals in our backyard enjoying the bird feeder. I can't see too many of those lovely birds. Happy Spring! RJ


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