Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wet Wednesday Walk

I don't normally feature a cross stitch on Wednesday walks, but this one fits perfectly.

Design - "Sweet Violets"
Designer - Cedar Hill
Fabric - 28 count R & R Irish Cream linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 April 2008
Completed - 31 May 2008

I changed the DMC colors for the violets as I thought the original choices were too blue and I wanted true lavender shades.
I chose dark green and cream mats.

I think they made a nice primary frame.

Framed October 2014

I confess that I am really in love with the frame. It is extremely plain, but somehow is very striking and perfectly complements the color of the stitched alphabet.

On this very wet walk, the violets are everywhere!

Just like my cross stitch!

And white ones...

The white violets are naturalizing to beat the band. 

So tiny and so pretty.

And we have pink ones too.
We also have yellow ones, but those bloom a bit later. 

The Trilliums continue to explode out of the ground.

As do the Fawn Lilies...

They are also called Trout Lilies for their speckled leaves.

We have a high pollen count already. 

The Pussy Willows are one of the things contributing to my sister's misery.  She will suffer until the Cottonwoods have bloomed.  Once the trees have ended and the grasses start she'll be fine.  Then my Mom will be sniffing and red-eyed. 

I hope that you have a sign or two of early spring to enjoy.


  1. Your lovely stitched piece goes just right with the very pretty walk. I love the violets. They are so delicate.

  2. Love, love, love your framed violets piece!
    AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You have natural PINK!! violets!!! I NEED those! I am SO jealous my friend. You have no idea.


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