Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Marching, Well Walking in March Anyway

No matter the weather, we will walk!

Down on the banks of the Willamette River, spring approaches...

Pussy willow buds

Oregon Grape blossom

The last of the Rose hips.

A hummingbird staked out this planting as worth defending.

Catkins dangling...

The first native shrub to bloom each spring - the Osoberry (or Indian Plum).

Back at my place, no sign of Osoberry blooms as of yet.. 

Instead raindrops on fir needles...

...and frosty mornings.


  1. Not much Spring up here! Maybe I need to look a bit harder.

  2. Despite it being technically autumn here now, nobody has told the weather. I miss frosty mornings.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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