Wednesday, March 8, 2017

In Like A Lion

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

It did not last long, but on both Sunday and Monday morning I awoke to a Winter Wonderland. 

The snow showers lasted until about 9am then the temps warmed up and the snow melted. 

Still for a few hours it was quite pretty. 

The starkness that is winter looks less bleak with snow.

I did not venture far.

Nonetheless, there were pretty scenes to photograph.

Snow frosting.

The Steller's Jays showed up.

I don't think that they were thrilled with the weather.

Grey, green, and white.

A House Finch.

Pines and firs.

New trees and tall trees.

So, March came in like a lion...

...will it go out like a lamb? 

Juncos are often referred to as Snow Birds.  

They certainly were well-represented.


  1. The fresh snow always makes everything looks so very pretty. Sure helps when it melts away soon. ;)

  2. Beautiful pictures! We haven't had much of a winter this year in North Texas, much less any real snow. I am enjoying watching the Blue Jays in our yard as well as Robins and Cardinals. Of course we have our Mockingbirds-I love hearing them!

  3. Oh Beth, I love your pictures. The blue of the jays just pops again the winter wonderland. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Beautiful, just beautiful. Thank you for taking me along on your snowy walk.

  5. That sure is pretty, but I'll bet you are more than ready to put this winter behind you! You've had so much more snow and ice than we've had--really strange weather patterns lately!

  6. Wow! That fresh snow is absolutely beautiful! We rarely have snow here in MS, but it is wonderful to see in other parts of the country. It's been in the 70s during the day here, and 40s at night. Not bad! But not pretty like yours!


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