Friday, March 10, 2017

Further Signs on Friday

Design - "Fair Daffodil"
Designer - Blackbird Designs
Fabric - R & R 18th Century Rook linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Sentiment - 1 strand over 1 thread
Started - May 2011
Completed - 10 March 2014

This design was a challenge to stitch - the dark linen and all the writing done in 'over one'.  I set it aside for a couple of years after starting it, then picked it up again and got it completed (pats herself on the back).  It is very pretty and timely as our earliest daffs are now in bloom.

Robins - I now have lots of Robins. 
Several in the morning, and over two dozen in the evening.  I keep looking, hoping to see a Varied Thrush or two in the mix, but so far no luck.  A friend of mine had over six Varied Thrush in her yard, so there is hope.  

My yard instead has California Quail.

Lots and loads of quail.

Each morning they fly into the brush, and then stroll out. 

Here are a couple of couples!

A female leads the group.

They are being to pair up.


  1. Yes, that is a wonderful design! Now to get if framed, right? ;)

  2. I love that daffodil design as well, and have it in my stash. I haven't stitched it yet for the very same reasons you cited. Over 1 on dark linen? A pat on the back, indeed! :)

    I love the quail. They're so plump and jolly looking!

  3. Oh, that daffodil design is a beauty, Beth--you did a great job in spite of the dark fabric :)

    No robins today--we woke up to a blanket of wet snow. One of those snows that just takes your breath away when you first look out the window in the morning. It is a winter wonderland :)

    Off to watch the owls--you've got me addicted!

  4. Your daffodil piece is beautiful - the fabric really highlights the design, but I just love the whole thing!

    Ah, you have robins too - we saw our first ones of the spring last week (though the last two years it's been *much* later).

  5. What a pretty design. Well worth finishing. No blooming daffodils here yet!

  6. Really pretty stitching. Definitely not easy working on black fabric or with black yarn. I need to pick up my cross-stitching again.


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