Friday, March 3, 2017

Finally A Finish / Spring is Here!

Design - "Love" (freebie)
Designer - Hands on Design
Fabric - 30 count WDW Dolphin linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 26 February 2017
Completed - 1 March 2017

It took two months, but I finally I have first finish of the year to share with you.  A special shout out to Frances at A Symphony of Stitches for reminding me to send away for the free heart buttons - they really make the design pop!

I mentioned in the header that Spring is Here!

And here's the proof! 

The first male Rufous Hummingbird of the year.

Last year I saw the first bird on March 2nd, this year it was March 1st.

Brown feathers and a copper throat, there's no mistaking him for a male Anna's.

It's a real pick-me-up to see these guys.  

The males migrate first and scope out territory.

They are followed later by the females and juveniles.

I am so cheered to have these summer visitors back again.


  1. I l♥ve your LOVE finish! That hummer is super!

  2. Cute finish Beth. I think you may have forgot to finish one of the little triangles on the top right.


  3. Sweet finish, and you're quite right about the buttons. And fantastic pictures of the hummingbird. I was thinking he'd only show off his pretty colors when he flew, then I saw the shot of his throat - wow! Flying jewels.

  4. Cute finish, the hearts are perfect!
    Oh, the Hummingbirds are so beautiful, lucky you.

  5. That rufous is so pretty. What a great finish and header! Snow is due here this week-end. I hope you are right about Spring!

  6. Love your finish. Hooray for spring and hummers!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.