Thursday, February 23, 2017

Foggy February

Design - "Spring Fling" (kit)
Designer - "Heart in Hand"
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 31 January 2011
Completed - 3 February 2011

It's been several months Since I've taken a bird walk with a group. Wednesday morning, my Mom and I went out to Delta Ponds with a small group of nine others.

We walked a path along the Willamette River.
Though a foggy morning, we saw a couple dozen different birds including this Pied-billed Grebe. 

The Canada Geese were semi-hysterical...'s the reason why!
A Bald Eagle. 

Here's a Bewick's Wren. We also saw Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglets. 

A young Nutria was having breakfast.

I got a good look at a Yellow-rumped Warbler.

There was a Kinglet flitting about too, but no photos of it.

Several Coots...

and a Cormorant.

Several Anna's Hummingbirds including this male.

Here's a female Ring-necked Duck.

And here's the male.

My mom requested a 'new bird' - and these Wood Ducks were lifers for her.

We were serenaded by Song Sparrows and Blackbirds.

It was nice to explore a new area of the Willamette River and Delta Ponds. A large shopping mall and several office buildings lurk close by, but lots of birds go about their business not bothered by the proximity of civilization.  


  1. Beth, what a lovely outing! I had to look up nutria as I am not familiar with them. I think the picture you took of the Bald Eagle in silhouette is amazing.

  2. Wonderful, wonderful pics. Especially love the bald eagle. Fantastic. Thanks so much!

    San Pedro, CA 90732

  3. I love that shot of the bald eagle, very mysterious! you always take such lovely pictures. thank you for sharing them! Have you managed to get any stitching in? I've been struggling with my mojo lately :(

  4. What a marvelous selection of birds you found ... all in the same general area? Thinking about what you said about the mall and office buildings reminds me of a nearby office park where we used to take the kids when they were little - plenty of ducks and geese and one time we had a heron fly over. :)

  5. A great outing...wish I could have tagged along! Lovely misty photos and I think a good sampling for one outing. Funny but we have had rain and foggy/misty days too for the best part of the last week. The snow has taken a real beating.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.