Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wednesday's Walk

We are having a stretch of nice rain-free days.  Come on outside with me.

The creek starts on the other side of the road.
In then crosses under the road through a culvert...

...and emerges on our property.

The waters have to be fast and high for me to pay attention to this little part of the creek. 

It makes a nice habitat for licorice ferns. 

I'm still enamored with the red branches of the Osier Dogwoods.

And I'm relieved that our "Leaning Tree" does not seem to be leaning as strongly as it did in the ice and snow.

Look!  A Song Sparrow is giving us a private concert.

Dorothy's Creek is close to overflowing its banks.

Look closely!  
I think you can get a glimpse of the rare Teal Down-coated Meadow Stomper! 

I used to collect rocks like this as a kid.  Strong rains would bring them to the surface of our gravel roads and creeks.

As I expected, the Madrones show the effects of nice, snow, and extreme cold temperatures.  A bummer as they had started to recover from our severe weather during the winter of 2012/2013. Come on Madrone - you can do it!


  1. Good Morning! Enjoyed your Wednesday Walk and the rare Teal Down-coated Meadow Stomper. Have a great day.

  2. What a lovely walk, and I have to admit I was looking for a bird up in the tops of the trees for the teal meadow stomper! once I scrolled the picture down I got it hahaha. Have a great day!

  3. What a delightful walk! I'm always impressed at how many names of the natural plants you know!!

  4. Ha! Made me look!! I HAVE to get a tree for my front yard this spring... working on doing research, but I doubt I will learn/remember about our local trees like you know your property and all the flora there! Hugs!


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