Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sunday Critters

Most of these photos were taken before the snow and ice earlier in the month.

I got to see one of my Anna's having a bath.

She splashed around...

...and carefully rubbed her face and neck to clean them. 

Late she posed for me.

All the feathers are clean and fluffed.

She's been hanging out in back... 

...far more than my male Anna's has.

With lows of 10°f to start the morning, it has been a challenge to keep the feeders changed out so they do not freeze. 

Honestly, have not seen hide nor hare of these guys since the winter weather. 

They tend to go into a mini-hibernation and avoid the cold weather. 

I don't think I've seen a bunny either.

Smart critters for sleeping away this nasty weather.

The deer have no choice - we had five of them stroll by on Saturday.


  1. So many cute critters, Beth! We had a parade of eight deer stroll through our yard last night. With the snow, it is every easy to spot them now...

  2. Everyone must be cold! Hope your snowstorm wasn't too bad. We had more snow than expected yesterday -- the boys have been told they get to shovel. :D

  3. Lovely little hummingbirds! I've not seen chippies lately either, nor our smaller variety of squirrel (barely bigger than the chipmunks). The larger squirrels, however are still scampering about, and quite bold lately.

  4. Sweet pictures of your hummer! Love the chipmunks! Squirrels are trying to get into the BOSS feeder, which is caged. Still hanging off it, reaching in at the bottom. But there are not many there... so maybe it will finally leave! Go hibernate!

  5. I'm glad she had her bath before it got too cold!!


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