Friday, January 20, 2017

A Day for Contemplation

Design - "January" (Flip It)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count French Cafe Mocha linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 8 January 2012
Completed - 11 January 2012

It's not an eagle, but rather a Turkey Vulture flying high and free.
I am making today my own by rededicating myself and my energies toward things I believe in: The rights and dignity of ALL Americans. The protection of our shared federal and state lands and all the flora and fauna that live on them.     

My own little bit of America would be so much less without the presence of the wilderness a few steps away.

The smallest of birds and creatures are worthy of our stewardship and protection.

How will you spend today?


  1. Thoughts are with you and us. I echo your sentiments; all the living things are worthy and deserving of our kindness and care.

  2. I'm wearing my "Nasty Woman" t-shirt and avoiding the news. Looking at stitching and animal photos is a much better option. :)

  3. Well said. Like Kristen above, I'm being news-avoidant today and look forward to some soothing stitching later.

  4. Thanks for your words. I, like those above, have been avoiding the news. Doing what is soothing to me. Keeping hope in my heart.

  5. Thanks for sharing your concerns on nature....I'm too am surrounded by beauty it is my saving grace along with stitching ....scared of what is to come......praying

  6. I agree with everything you said - hopefully sanity will prevail. I am an American living in Canada - you have a lot of support up here.

  7. I listened to an audiobook, and stitched a tiny bit. Same with yesterday, tho in the evening I caught a little bit of the news about the Women's Marches, ALL OVER the world! Brought a bit of hope... Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.