Friday, November 25, 2016

Quiet Friday

Design - "Turkey on an Egg"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 28 count Flax linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 8 November 2012
Completed - 11 November 2012

There's that flax linen that I love so much again!

I generally don't join the frenzied crowds on Black Friday. I'd rather stay at home.  

Hard to see, but there's a Downy Woodpecker! 

I was pleased to see her working away in a Big Leaf Maple as she's not been to my feeders for a couple of weeks.

The Hairy Woodpeckers still are coming by.
The female...

...and the male.

Here's the male Acorn Woodpecker. He has quite a large spot of red atop his head.

He's all about my cylinder of mixed nuts.

A Flicker watched...

...and then decided to go for the peanuts.

This is the bird I most often see at the feeder.

On Tuesday morning I had two Flickers, but did not get a photo.

Not that this bird isn't photogenic!

Last year at this time I had oodles of Pine Siskins. So far no sign of them.  This may be a year where they stay further north and I do not see them.


  1. How accommodating of that male Acorn Woodpecker to turn so you could capture the entirety of his handsome red patch!

  2. It's funny but Black Friday has migrated over here to Scotland where Thanksgiving isn't celebrated - we now have comprehensive Black Friday sales.
    I thought of you through the week when driving home from work and saw my first woodpecker up here in Scotland. My sister sees them daily down south but it's so much colder with us in Scotland.

  3. Your bird photos are amazing--I always enjoy seeing photos of the quail

  4. No Black Friday shopping for me either, Beth (okay--one order online, but that's it!). Your Flickers are so fascinating--and so, so handsome!

  5. I always enjoy the woodpeckers and flickrs. Nice pics!

  6. I would much rather watch the birds than shop on black Fri.

  7. I didn't get out on Friday either, but today I went to Walmart to get something for my car (NOT on sale), and saw the sheets there that my husband wanted but that the website said were 'out of stock!'--snatch! :) Where do you get those peanuts? I think that kind of feeder is pretty safe from squirrels... so may try other foods in it, besides the suet nuggets. We shall see! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  8. Beautiful flicker! Your feeders look like a little village! So cute!


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