Thursday, October 20, 2016

Building a Bird

I finished stitching the Swainson's Thrush last night.  Still have another leaf, some berries, the name and a border to stitch. So it will probably be a couple of weeks yet before this is finished.

With all our many gray, rainy days, it is cheering to see a bright bold flash of blue.

The Steller's Jays have such handsome markings.

Four or five hang out at the feeders most days.

This pair of large glossy black Ravens drops by a couple of times a week.

The Fox Sparrow is a Daily Bird.

The California Quail continue to delight.

They make a great case for having some 'wild' areas as they lurk at the edge of a dense thicket of brambles and brush.


  1. Your stitched thrush looks wonderful! Whenever you post pics of the Stellar's Jay, all I can think is how beautiful they are. We don't have them here, only the "standard" blue jays.

  2. The stitched bird is so pretty. I love seeing the jays, they can be very noisy at times.

  3. Hard to say which is lovelier that Stellar's Jay or your stitched piece! Can't wait to see it finished!


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