Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome Rain

We've had a bit of rain - it is most welcome.

I have a bit more bird activity in cool wet weather.

Even the trees drink in the moisture.

It's nice to see the leaves rimmed in droplets. 

Pine needles and raindrops. 

Autumn is here no matter what the calendar says. 

The Cottonwoods have started to turn.

So have the Big Leaf Maples...

...and the Bracken Ferns.

The squirrels are eyeing the Douglas fir cones. 

Ash leaves.

Cherry leaves.

Look at all the blackberries the deer have eaten!

Here's a truss that's too high for them to reach.
I'll tell my sister to get picking!


  1. Glad to read you're enjoying your much-needed rain, Beth! Interesting that the birds are enjoying it, too :) Hope you can pick those blackberries before the birds help themselves!

  2. We need the rain too! It's interesting how fall is here even though the calendar says not quite yet!

  3. Send some autumn over to the UK! It is still hot and humid here by our standards, especially at night. Your photos look so tempting.

  4. Love the glimpses of autumn Beth! We have had a very hot summer with little rain (glad you are getting some). You have had a great stitching summer (picture me green with envy :)

  5. We have enjoyed a bit of rain too.

  6. Does a brush by a hurricane count? Had that...but it was not a bad one! Having wind from another one today and tomorrow... but no rain, cause it is way off the coast. I am seeing the occasional fallen leaf around, but autumn is not really here yet! Great pictures of the rain drops on the leaves... Cool!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.