Monday, August 1, 2016

August Blog Header Revealed

Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles August 2016 Blog Header

Here are the details for August's Blog Header.

Row #1: Alma Lynne Designs, "Noah and Company" - "Done by Me" ; Curtis Boehringer, "Forty Days and Forty Nights".

Row #2: Praying Hands, "40 Days and 40 Nights".

Row #3: Homespun Elegance, "Noah's Ark Band Sampler" -
Noah's Ark Square"; Alma Lynne, 
"Noah and Company" - "On Seas of Blue".

I'm not sure what my August stitching theme is going to be this year.  It may be a Catch Up month.

A recent morning began with a flyover - a Great Blue Heron.

The group of Purple Martins continues to hang out.

The adult male is very handsome and glossy.


I was pleased to finally get a couple of good photos.

And here's a group photo.  The Martins are much larger than my Violet-green Swallows.

In the absence of the Acorn Woodpeckers, the Steller's Jays are hogging the peanut feeders.

Blue on blue.

The American Goldfinches have paired up.'s the baby Brown-headed Cowbird and its White-crowned Sparrow parent.

A couple of young Scrub Jays.

A Turkey Vulture waiting for the sun to rise.

After a couple of weeks with no Flycatchers, I had a couple come by.
Heres' one.

And here's another.

Because they perched on distant trees and did not speak, I cannot ID them.

The final two broods of Violet-green Swallows are still in their houses.  I expect them to fledge any day.


  1. Love the new header! It's perfect!

  2. Love your header Beth! The turkey vultures are so fascinating to me.

  3. Great new blog header! Yours are so well done and creative! Wonderful photos of those busy birds too.

  4. What a sweet header - love the colour combinations.

  5. I love the Noah's Ark stitching!
    I haven't thought about Purple Martins in a long time...when I was a child, one of our neighbors had a large Purple Martin house up on a tall pole!

  6. That sweet baby face peeking out of the bird house - adorable!

    Mary in MN

  7. A wonderful header and great bird photos!

  8. Lots of Noah's Ark stitching there! And lots of birds still around. Here... not so much! I like the Flycatchers, whichever they are. And the Scrub Jays have good coloring right now. I feel sorry for the White-crowned sparrow still being duped by her 'baby'.

  9. What?! August?? Quite a wide variety of birds lately. Thanks for sharing. I'd always read about the cowbirds. It's upsetting somehow, but it's nature.

  10. Super new header and lovely bird photos. I love the goldfinches, they're so pretty

  11. A wonderful coleection of birds you have shown us on this post. TheGoldfinchs havestolen my heart.

  12. Hello, what a great variety! I love the Purple Martins! Enjoy your day!

  13. Hello!:) Lovely series of bird shots, and very pretty they are too!:)

  14. Love the purple martins and the jays! And that little flycatcher is so cute. Great sampler too by the way!

  15. A great variety of birds. I do like the American Goldfinch.


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