Friday, July 1, 2016

Yikes it's July and I'm Not Ready!

I have so may bee / bee skep charts - and so little time to stitch them.  Shall I try to work in one or two more before the month ends?
Oh, whoops!  June only has 30 days and it is now July! How did that happen?

Well anyway, it's time to look at the four kinds of woodpeckers that have been in the area.

A blurry picture of a Downy Woodpecker.
I maybe see a Downy once a week, if that often.

I am still seeing the father / son Hairy Woodpeckers.




Father feeding son.

Father and son.

I do not often see the Acorn Woodpeckers at the feeders. 

Thankfully they still are working in the nearby snags.
In the evening, they perch on a branch and sallie out to catch and eat insects. 

The Flickers are omnipresent.
The male.

And the female.

While they are eating suet, they also are working at eating insects on the ground.

That's the Woodpecker Report for this week.


  1. I can hardly believe July is here so soon, Beth, so you're not alone. This summer is speeding by way too quickly... I really love the coloring on the Flickers--what handsome birds!

  2. Photos are always so beautiful
    Thanks for sharing

  3. Wow! You do have lots of charts to choose from. Yhe new header looks wonderful as do all the lovely woodpeckers!!

  4. Welcome to July -- I don't know how it got here so fast either. Love your feathered friends.

  5. Even the birds would agree, time sure flies! ;0D

  6. Yup--time is passing too quickly! Love the woodpecker shots, especially father and son! Your header is great! Thanks for sharing!


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