Monday, July 11, 2016

Noah's Ark Finish

Design - "Noah's Country Ark"
Chart - "Noah's Country Ark"
Designer - Blue Whale Designs
Fabric - 28 count R & R Confederate Gray Cashel
Fibers - DMC - strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 September 2015
Completed - 3 July 2016

I apologize for the less than wonderful photo.  As this is a really long piece, I had to 'stitch' together two photos to show the entire thing. 

This collage probably does a better job of showing off my finish.  I changed the color of the birds from blue to gray/white as I wanted doves.  I've had this almost finished for several months - just the back stitching to complete.  It only took me three sessions of an hour or so to get it all done.  I ended up back stitching all the windows as I liked that look. I like the fabric colors as it looks like a rainy day sky.

I am so excited to learn that Beth Twist of Heartstring Samplery has released The Bird Collection Part Two.  This has a pattern for a Western Tanager, a Redwing Blackbird, and a Swainson's Thrush.  I couldn't wait so bought it at her Etsy store. 

The newly fledged Hairy Woodpeckers are on their own now.

I am pretty sure that I have two young males active at the feeders.

The entire top of the head is red on this one.


This one has a much smaller red marking on his head.

Maybe you can tell on this photo.

See, this guy has red on the top front of his head, not the entire top like the other young fellow.

I don't have many photos of Acorn Woodpeckers this week.

I do, however, have lots of Flicker photos.

They've just finished raising their young, so there are lots of birds.

Up in trees...

Mama and a fledgling on the house...

While Papa watches.
Here they are at the feeder - Mama is feeding Baby while Dad eats.

Family Portrait. 

"I'm hungry Mama!"


  1. Hooray for your finish! I thought of you when I saw the bird pattern releases. :D

  2. Great finish! Will you get it framed? And now, I think after seeing more of the Hairy Woodpeckers... mine are Downy's. They just are not that big... I have not seen ONE flicker yet! Well, I haven't been out much either... Maybe soon... it is just pretty hot right now! Thanks for sharing your woodpeckers!

  3. What a great finish, Beth--glad you didn't find the backstitching too bad :) I do love those flickers of yours--they are just so handsome!

  4. The Noah's Ark is lovely. I thought of you when I read that Beth had come out with more bird charts.


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