Thursday, June 23, 2016

Woodpecker Whimsey

When I'm coming down the home-stretch on a project, my immediate impulse is to kit up my next stitch.  Here it is - a Lizzie Kate "Double Flip" for May and June.  I'll be stitching June.

I've had a full compliment of woodpeckers this past week.
Let's start with the largest.

While this bird has flown in a couple of times, I've only managed to get one photo of a Pileated Woodpecker.

The Red-shafted Northern Flickers are better at posing for me.

Here's a pretty female.

And a male with the red mustache.

Here you can also see the white patch of feathers on the rear of the bird.
It is readily apparent when they fly away.

Not a great photo, but I think this may have been a parent and a youngster. There was a lot of talking and posturing.

Here's the male Acorn Woodpecker.

And here's the female.  I was very glad to see her.  I think it has been well over a week since my last sighting.
Bright and early the past three mornings I've watched a Red-breasted Sapsucker working on this snag.

He hasn't said a word, but just quietly taps away.

The Acorn Woodpeckers consider this to be their tree, and they run him off.

My special delight this last week has been watching the dads feeding and caring for their sons. 
Ironically, Father's Day Sunday was the last day I observed this behavior.

I was thrilled to see a small Downy Woodpecker.

Better still the young male came to the back feeders.

And here is my second father/son duo - this time Downy Woodpeckers.
Smaller birds with shorter bills.

"Eat up son!"



  1. That looks like a fun design to stitch. A wonderful collection of woodpeckers!

  2. Beth, what a wonderful week of woodpeckers! Thanks so much for sharing. You got some amazing pictures and the father/son pics are priceless.

  3. Having a pileated visit you is quite an honor! And the Sapsucker... neat! I have not seen a Yellow-Bellied one out here... yet!! Love the Downys!


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