Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Shamrocks and Grosbeaks

Design - "More Than Luck"
Designer - Carriage House Samplings
Fabric - 28 count Natural / Tin Roof Gingham linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 23 March 2016
Completed - 20 June 2016

As it turned out I did not stitch on this every Wednesday as I had intended, but I did work on "More Than Luck" at least one day each week which helped me to finally finish this in a timely fashion.  I am quite pleased with how it turned out.

After having just one female Evening Grosbeak for the past few weeks, suddenly I had a couple of males show up. 

And that was great news as they are such pretty birds.

And doesn't she look like she's ready to raise a family.

One of the males has just one functioning eye - the right eye is terribly damaged as you can see.

The left eye, looks good, so I hope he is able to make do.

The other male has two good eyes.

Look at that bright yellow bird and that wonderful parrot-like beak!

Here's one of the happy couples.

We've had some pretty sunsets. 

I like watching the day disappear.


  1. Your shamrock piece is so sweet, Beth--great finish! And I'm envious of your sunsets. We are down in a valley and don't see them at all...

  2. A beautiful finish Beth. Those are truly lovely sunsets.

  3. I love your shamrocks! Lovely photos, too.

    I thought of you yesterday - at my mom's place we spotted a hummingbird couple; a small flock of goldfinches descended on the bird bath; and a little wren has a nest and eggs in one of my mom's hanging geraniums!

  4. That is such a lovely finish Beth! What an amazing sunset! We have had some good ones too but we live in the woods so we have to drive to see them.

  5. Beth, the shamrocks are beautiful! The sunsets are gorgeous and of course, those grosbeaks are just amazing. I am so glad there are some couples and hopefully soon you will have some babies1


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.