Monday, June 6, 2016

Lots of News

Well not so much news on the stitching front where I've only managed the smallest start on Heartstring Samplery's "Mourning Dove". 

But this, this is Big News. Big equipment anyway. After living here for 10 years, we are going to put in a 'real' front yard and a deer fence so that we can garden in this area without worrying about the plants.

We have very little top soil and lots of rocks.

Parvati has been fearless - totally enthralled with the entire process.
She's crawled all over the backhoe.

Pretty Big New on the birding front too.

I heard the distinctive call of a Willow Flycatcher and thought that the bird must be close by.

I was right!  It came right to the edge of the berm in the backyard and hung out for 30 minutes or so.

I know that I shared loads of bear photos on Sunday's post.  Now I have another amazing critter to share.

Friday evening after dinner (about 7:00pm), we looked out at the backyard to see this beautiful cat.

An aptly named bob-cat.

The animal stared at us - not the least bit scared The California Quail in the area raised a ruckus, but all escaped unharmed, and the cat had to look elsewhere for dinner.  


  1. Wow.Some big changes happening. What great pictures of that bob-cat.

  2. What an amazing picture of a bob-cat.
    Greetings from Germany

  3. Wow, what a great sight to see in your yard! Terrific shots.

  4. ooooooooooooooo was only talking about you tonight to my neigbour about your birds and wildlife ... now will have to tell him you have seen a bobcat too ... and wow can't wait to see what you do with the front yard .... love mouse xxxxxx

  5. Oh, that is so exciting, Beth! A deer fence--that would be heaven for me! Unfortunately, with our hills and pond, it just wouldn't work for our yard. Can't wait to watch your progress--the end result will be worth all the upheaval.

  6. Good luck with the new front yard. The bob cat is an amazing animal but I am so glad it did not get any of your quails!

  7. I know you have to be excited about the deer fence! To think that you can plant plants that will stay and bloom! I have to ask, if you don't mind saying, where do you live? You have so much wildlife!! I love it. :)

  8. The bobcat is amazing! Looking forward to seeing progress pictures on the front garden

  9. Oh boy--something new to follow... and you and the family are all avid gardeners/nature lovers, so it will be stupendous when finished I am sure! Not so sure about that bobcat being so closeby... yikes!

  10. Wow! Mr. Bob is gorgeous!! Did you talk to the contractors about bear fencing too haha

  11. What an amazing opportunity to see this cat... Wow!.... Michelle

  12. Wow! such exciting news on all fronts! The bird! The cat! OMG! So cool! And your front yard -- very exciting! Hope all goes well!


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