Monday, April 18, 2016

Woodpecker Week and What to Stitch

The month is half over and I've only one bird finish.
And look at all the bird charts I have!  Maybe I can get to a couple of more.

These guys are all on board for bird-themed stitching.

I don't often see a female Hairy Woodpecker.

I am glad that she chose to stop by.

I do see a male Hairy Woodpecker...

He comes to the feeders up to three times in a day.

My pair of Acorn Woodpeckers spend part of each day at their granary tree.

They also fly in closer to my feeders.
Here's the female. 

And the male.

The female eating peanuts. 

Once in a while I see them in a tree or feeder in the backyard.

And let's not forget the Red-shafted Norther Flickers.
At the feeder. 

Digging for insects on the ground - note the mud on her beak.

Ah springtime!  The gutter makes at most satisfactory sound says this handsome fellow.

I was fortunate to have the briefest of sightings of a Red-breasted Sapsucker.

But the past few days topped off with this...

A male Pileated Woodpecker flew in one morning.  I love the size contrast between him and the Acorn Woodpecker.

Interestingly, the Pileated Woodpecker did not 'talk' much. 

He did thunk away on this snag a few times.

But honestly, he spent most of the time looking about.  To the right... 

...and to the left.

A Woodpecker Week is not complete without a Pileated Woodpecker!


  1. I love woodpeckers of all sorts - been lucky enough to see many of the ones in this post. We dont have a single species in Australia.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Beautiful
    I love wood pecker too x

  3. So many wonderful woodpecker photos! We think a flicker is trying to nest right outside our powder room window. The bird kept pecking at the window and we saw a large mass of something in the tree right next to the outside wall of the house near the window.

  4. Great shots of the woodpeckers, Beth! We see one now and then, but not often. Wow! You have a great collection of bird charts--now to find the time to stitch them. I'm sure you're very busy outside at this time of year :)

  5. Great woodpecker shots! I was out today, and saw a Red-bellied, and a pair of Pileateds... plus... the first ever Yellow-throated Warbler! I did not get a picture, but I saw all of them clear enough! I have a couple of the same charts... I have four of the Prairie Birds hanging right now! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh my goodness Beth, what amazing pictures! I don't know what it is about woodpeckers that just makes my heart sing! Thanks as always for your great pictures and taking the time to share their beauty.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.