Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday Walk About

A cooler, gray day today, but there's lots happening in the flowerbeds around the house.

We purchased a new small Acer in October.  It is now starting to leaf out.

I think this is my favorite primrose. So frilly. 

The Hostas are coming back green and strong. 

A Bleeding Heart.

The deer ate hard on my Osier Dogwood last fall/  I am pleased that it has made a full recovery. 

A patch of Muscari.

Another Bleeding Heart.

A trio of Podophyllum (May Apples). They have wonderful leaves.  

A bowl of species Tulips - they are glorious.  

A dwarf Bearded Iris.

Yet another one.

Valiant Narcissus - they have not liked our hot weather. 

New leaves of a Hosta.

An early Clematis.

As I said, there's lots going on already in early April!


  1. So many pretties for me today. I want to see if I can FINALLY get pink daffodils this year.

  2. Lots of pretty flowers. We are heading to the tulip festival tomorrow. More pretty things to look at.

  3. Oh, such lovely spring photos, Beth! That bleeding heart is a real beauty... We woke up to more snow this weekend--and 19° this morning...

  4. Oh man--I LOVE all the flowers! They are all beautiful and so colorful! I might have a tenth of what you have... in about 3 years!! Slow but sure... Thanks for brightening our day!

  5. Beautiful flowers. Tulips are my favourites. x


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