Monday, March 28, 2016

Lucky Stitch Lucky Birds

Design - "Luck to You"
Chart - "Spring Things"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Light Mocha Cashel linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 March 2016
Completed - 21 March 2016

With this finish, I've officially started a collection of St. Patrick's stitches.
I'm a lucky girl! 

Saturday morning I looked out to see this small Sharp-shinned Hawk in the backyard.

He scared off all my song birds, but appeared not to have been 'lucky'. 

As we headed out Saturday afternoon, we met these three fine fellows coming up our driveway.

I think they considered themselves lucky as Easter dinner is usually a ham rather than a turkey!

The guys did a little turkey dance.

A Turkey Trot as it were.

They were very mellow - no gobbling.

And they were not the least bit bothered by us.

Off they went.

Places to go, people to see, things to do.

Bye-bye birds.


  1. Love your lucky stitch. What an assortment of birds today!

  2. Cute finish! Congratulations on your new collection :). Looks like those turkeys were really enjoying spring.

  3. Nice St. Patrick's Day finish! Wow! That is quite a thing, to have the SSH visit you!! Turkeys... well, not so much!

  4. Love your lucky stitch - looks like a quick one too!

  5. Am sure the turkeys were happy with Easter being a ham day. That hawk looks scary

  6. Love the turkeys Beth, hope you've had a peaceful Easter.

  7. Not the kind of yard birds I tend to see! Great birds.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. I used to see wild turkeys around here long ago, but they disappeared, sadly. So much fun to see them!


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